
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Leadership Coaching

"Why do I need life-coaching? I'm able to hear God and figure out what he wants me to do all by myself. That's for people who have no clue."

That's what I thought whenever someone mentioned I might want to talk to a person she knew who helped people through coaching. I was in the throws of not knowing exactly what God wanted me to do when I was considering getting some seminar training (to lead seminars for a particular ministry) but I was unable to finish the last task of the application process for some weird reason. I was praying, seeking God, and then I had a dream I believe was from God that cleared up some of the questions and gave me motivation and clarity to move forward into a new avenue of ministry and focus.

So, in this particular case, yes, I was able to hear God and figure out what he wants me to do with his help, but I've recently found an incredible benefit of this life-coaching that I've never even thought about previously.

I was asked several months ago to consider getting some training with a group of people in our church to coach others in leadership--especially those leading home teams or community groups as they are now called at New Hope. I was originally interested in getting one (a leadership coach) for me! I was one of those leaders (am one) who needs someone to listen to me, to encourage me and help me stay motivated to keep serving, but I never considered that I might be one of those people who could facilitate that also.

Fast forward to today....So, now I'm 8 weeks into the class; just 2 more to go. I have a peer-coach of my own who I also coach as our way of working out what we've learned and getting some good experience before we are released to try our own "powerful questions" and listening skills on other leaders. :) You know, I have never been so hopeful about a certain area of my life that I've been wanting to change for years. I have had the information in my head, and I even know what has worked for me in the past. However, I have been missing some very vital components for this transformation to happen that I am now receiving through my peer-coach's willingness to help me focus on accomplishing this goal!

Yes, it's early. I've only been officially working on this goal for a couple weeks, but I have my coach for at least 3 months and I'm going to take full advantage of her! There are other areas in my life that I have been wanting to see a change--like in my daily time with God in prayer and Bible study and just listening and journaling. Just because I know I will be asked every week how that is going and I know that I will need to be specific and give reasons why I didn't get to it because my peer-coach is standing in for God and is Jesus' representative to me--I'm sticking to it and REALLY enjoying it and hearing God speak to me on a regular basis. That is just the beginning, but I'm trying to keep it fairly simple to start with and celebrate the successes as they come.

I set my own goal; I set my own action steps; and I accomplish so much more already than by just saying to myself that "I need to start doing that."

I'll try to keep you posted, but if you have the opportunity to meet with a life-coach or a leadership coach who trusts in God to speak to his people, act now! Don't delay!

***I also want to put at the end of this a special thanks to Kristi Westergard who listened to God and brought the vision of leadership coaching to New Hope and Karen Bontrager who is an excellent teacher and coach herself. You two ladies have indeed brought something very special to me--focus, energy and motivation to accomplish a life-altering goal!