
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Right to choose...

I'm not generally one to enter political conversations if I can get away with it, but I've been thinking on this for a while now.

I have heard from many sources in our "circle of influence"--many of whom are Bible-believing Christians like myself--that they have already decided to vote for Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or have spouted the idea that we (the collective church body in the US) should vote for the "best man" for the job rather than our "favorite theologian." Makes sense if you just look at it as a "J.O.B."

However, one of the lasting legacies a president of the United States has is the appointment of justices to the Supreme Court. And many of the decisions made by the Supreme Court have a lasting effect on this country, our rights and freedoms, that if left in the hands of a select group of adults who promote the killing of little babies in the womb for convenience of the mother and abhor the idea of capital punishment of serial killers, our political leaders then are presented with a steep, uphill battle to correct those decisions.

Also, these democratic "best men" hold fast to the idea that the government owes the people a hand-out in a vast array of areas of life that make the people of this country angry when they don't receive these various benefits. These "best men" make the citizens believe they must look to the government to solve their problems than to depend on our most generous God or even to work hard to earn food to put on their tables.

I just can't in good conscience vote for a candidate that holds fast to any of these ideas--even if my only other choice is "my favorite theologian."


gabriel said...

Yeah... I'm still willing to vote on this one issue alone. As it happens, I disagree with Obama and Clinton on more than just this.

Steve said...

Welcome to the land of blog! btw-I enjoy other peoples political views!